Posted September 16, 2016 by Antoinette Hage

This Saturday the 17th September we are kicking off with the first session of a 10 week Talitha Practitioner Course in at St Thomas Norwich.
Through this programme Talitha aims to encourage individual creativity and explore therapeutic foundations, whilst offering a practical experience of working in a team and co-leading creative therapeutic workshops.
Our goal is to introduce participants to using therapeutic arts when working with those who have experienced trauma, abuse, personal hardships or ill health. We hope that each participant will discover how to engage with these populations in ways that are creative and cathartic and to apply processes that inspire vitality and hopefulness.
This programme is designed for those who would like to explore becoming a Talitha practitioner or for those who would simply like to learn about creative activities as a resource.
STN Earlham Rd,
Earlham Rd,
STN Grove Walk,
Grove Walk,
17th Sept (Grove Walk)
24th Sept (Earlham Rd Hall)
1st Oct (Earlham Rd Hall)
8th Oct (Earlham Rd Hall)
15th Oct (Earlham Rd Hall)
5th Nov (Earlham Rd Hall)
12th Nov (Earlham Rd Hall)
19th Nov (Earlham Rd Hall)
26th Nov (Earlham Rd Church)
3rd Dec (Earlham Rd Hall)
Suggested donation: £5 per session
Register by emailing